Modding Tutorial Database
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TutorialsStatus Information
IDName Type Categories Author: Description: 1.6:1.7:Notes:
37Building Generation in Custom Dimension TEXT TUTORIAL Worldgen Jimmy04creeper Shows how to generate a simple house in your custom dimension. Should be easily adaptable to your needs.WorksUntested
38Custom sky renderer for your dimension TEXT TUTORIAL Worldgen Jimmy04creeper How to make a custom skyRenderer MinorUntested
35Dimensions huge tutorial TEXT TUTORIAL Worldgen Jimmy04creeper Everything related to creating your own dimension.MinorUntestedWorks in 1.6 with minor changes, originally made for 1.5
36Muliti Biome Dimension TEXT TUTORIAL Worldgen Jimmy04creeper Shows how to create a dimension which consists of more than one biome.MinorUntestedWorks with minor name changes.